Darryl Holter Sings About Crooked Hearts
From Car Master to Los Angeles Roots Rocker Interview by Ryan Vaillancourt | Los Angeles Downtown News 15 Apr 2013 Darryl Holter is known around Downtown primarily as the double-breasted suit-wearing executive who manages the Shammas Group’s small empire of Figueroa Street auto dealerships. So it might come as a surprise that under the white collar veneer, Holter’s a guitar pickin’ working man’s working man with a penchant for progressive politics. He even wrote a song called “Looking for Health Care Reform” for a musicians union fundraiser. Darryl Holter has spent increasing time in recent years with his six string. ... [Read More]
Woody Guthrie Plaque
New Woody Guthrie Plaque at Petes Cafe 16 Mar 2013 The idea for the plaque came from Bob Santelli (Director of the Grammy Museum) and myself. The plan to designate 4th and Main, in Los Angeles, as “Woody Guthrie Square” had already been discussed but we wanted something that would provide more information about Guthrie and why the Square was designated as such. We decided to talk to Tom Gilmore and Pete at Pete’s Café and Bar in the historic San Fernando building directly across from Woody Guthrie Square. Tom and Pete said “Good idea!” so we ran with it. Now ... [Read More]
CD Review From AmericanaUK
Crooked Hearts CD Review From AmericanaUK 31 Jul 2012 Darryl Holter “Crooked Hearts” CD Review From AmericanaUK By Paul Kerr www.americana-uk.com 213 Music, 2012 A blast from the past from a guy who’s been there. Darryl Holter is a kindly looking grey haired gent whose appearance on his album cover might make you think he’s the kind of guy who sings for his supper in folk clubs and cabarets. Well as the man said you can’t judge a book by the cover and an initial listen to this album reveals a man who has a firm grasp on the American folk ... [Read More]
Woody Guthrie Square
Woody Guthrie Square Dedicated in Los Angeles 12 Jun 2012 To commemorate the 100 year anniversary of Woody Guthrie’s birth in 1912, the City of Los Angeles has dedicated the intersection of Fourth Street and Main Street as “Woody Guthrie Square”. The event took place on April 12, 2012 with the unveiling of a newly installed sign reading: “Woody Guthrie Square: Woodrow Wilson Guthrie: Songwriter, Poet, Voice of the Dustbowl Refugees”. Councilmember Jan Perry, who authored the motion to designate the Square, noted that “Downtown Los Angeles held a special interest for Guthrie. He lived here and worked here.” Nora Guthrie, ... [Read More]
Crooked Hearts CD Review
DARRYL HOLTER Crooked Hearts CD Review From Country Music People Magazine, June 2012 Producer: Ben Wendel 213 Music Here is a huge talent. Country/Americana singer-songwriter Darryl Holter currently lives and works in L.A, but is originally from Minneapolis. Apart from music, this is the singers third release, he also writes books. The Crooked Hearts disc finds Darryl Holter with a Grammy-nominated producer, Ben Wendel, who completely understands his music. There are eight fantastic original songs, plus five very well-chosen cover versions. The backing band are perfect, with special mention needed for steel guitar player, Greg Leisz and piano/organ player Matt ... [Read More]