Darryl is “Bringing It All Back Home”

March 4, 2019 @ 7:00 pm
Rosemount, MN
Darryl is “Bringing It All Back Home”
Live Monday March 4th in Rosemount, MN
I’m returning to Minnesota to do an oral history of my parents covering a wide arc of Minnesota history that goes back 96 years. Brad invited me to do a set of songs at The Guitar Shop in Rosemount on Monday, March 4th, and kindly said he would lend me a guitar.
I’m going to pull out a bunch of songs from West Bank Gone, my 2010 album based on the music scene I remember from the late ‘60s. Plus songs from Bonnie Raitt, John Koerner, Bob Dylan and a tribute to Late-Greats Dave Snaker Ray and Willy Murphy.
Finally, I’ll throw in a couple from my new album, Roots and Branches, and if I have any voice left, one or two of my new, scaled back, acoustic compositions. All in all, it should be a good time.
– DH
Darryl Holter Live:
Monday March 4, 2019 at 7pm
‘The Guitar Shop’ in Rosemount
14555 S Robert Trail #205
Rosemount, MN 55068