Darryl Holter

Music Website

Dodger Stadium and Downtown Los Angeles

darryl holter book review

Can the Center Hold? Dodger Stadium and Downtown Los Angeles Book Review by Darryl Holter Los Angeles Review of Books BRINGING THE RAMS BACK to Los Angeles took decades, but I had no idea about the bruising five-year battle waged by Walter O’Malley to build a new home for the[…]

Los Angeles Corral of Westerners

darryl holter historian

Almansor Court – 700 S. Almansor, Alhambra, CA.
Social Hour: 5:00 PM 
Dinner: 6:00 PM Our Speaker: Darryl Holter 
His Subject: This Land is Your Land: Woody Guthrie in Los Angeles, 1937-1941 Woody Guthrie was, and still is, one of the most beloved of all American singers and songwriters. Guthrie’s very productive years in Los Angeles[…]

Darryl Holter Book Review Woody Guthrie Annual

darryl holter

Darryl Holter Book Review Woody Guthrie Annual Managing Editor: Will Kaufman, University of Central Lancashire The Woody Guthrie Annual is an open-access peer-reviewed journal containing the most up-to-date scholarship on Woody Guthrie, his work and his cultural and political significance. The journal is published once a year, between June and[…]

Julia Holter Premieres New Film Soundtrack

Julia Holter

Julia Holter Premieres New Film Soundtrack, LA Times Review by Randall Roberts, LA Times Nov 10 2016 Over the last five years the Los Angeles composer and avant-pop singer Julia Holter has moved from issuing vinyl-only compositions based on ancient Greek plays and musique concrete-inspired mixtapes to becoming an interdisciplinary[…]

Remembering Tom Hayden

I was saddened to learn this morning about the death of Tom Hayden.  I read a lot of his writings in the late 60s and early 70s, especially the very important political document of the times, The Port Huron Statement.  I talked to Tom once in an airport when he[…]